Notice of Wests 2018 Annual General Meeting
Notice is given to all Western District Rugby Football Club Inc (Wests) members that the AGM will occur on:
Date: Friday 7 December
Time: 6pm
Location: Catchpoles, Jamison Southern Cross Club
(Cnr Catchpole &, Bowman St, Macquarie ACT 2614)
Annual General Meeting Documents
Special Resolution
A Special Resolution is on the agenda for the AGM to update the Wests Constitution. The draft Constitution with tracked changes can be found by clicking here.
The following is a summary of the main changes in the Constitution:
Updating the way that finances are managed by the club to better align with modern practice and practical application. The Wests Management Committee have develop a Financial Delegation Policy which provides more detailed and greater financial controls for the club.
Changing the Constitution to be more gender neutral.
Appropriate referencing to Brumbies and Rugby Australia processes where relevant.
General edit and updating.
Any questions on the proposed Constitution can be directed to Wests President (Angus McKerchar – 0411 033 054) or Wests Secretary (Tim Arnold – 0419 109 340).
Management Committee Nominations
Nominations are open to all interested members for positions on the Management Committee (Officer Bearer and Ordinary Committee Members).
Nominations are to be submitted by completing the Nomination Form and returning it to Wests Secretary by 5pm on Friday 30 November 2018 (as per 8 d of the Constitution). Late Nominations cannot be accepted.